Custom Search

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Here is another publishing community where you can make money to write about what you know, what you love, what you want. If you liked HubPages or Xomba, you may want to try out Squidoo too. If you haven’t tried out either of the other two then maybe you’d like to try this one.

Squidoo calls their articles “lenses” the reason for this being is that it is a page that is “focused” (like a lens) on a topic of your choice that you have chosen to write about. While doing this like the other sites, you can choose whether you would like royalties to come to you, or if you would like to donate them. Feel free to join here:


This is another legitimate way you can earn revenue by posting while on the internet. According to their “About Us” page, Squidoo has been reviewed by New York Times, Mashable and many other sites and reviewers. Now, think about it. If you have big name companies checking out these lenses, chances are the more traffic you are going to get to your pages. The choice is yours. It also says that some people make up to $1000 a year, some $10,000, others $4-$40. The sky’s the limit, write and post as you desire. Your drive will be your reward in the end.

Just on a side note, yes, these are all websites that you can make money off of, but they are also websites that have passionate writers, bloggers, readers, etc. If you are not interested in making money that’s fine too, you can still join and share.

Will you join and be a “lensmaster” and make some money? Hope so.

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